Liza joined one of The Lean Body Team challeges recommended by a friend. Liza wanted to lose a bit of weight but she really wanted to learn how to manage better her life-work commitments with a healthy lifestyle. She was feeling like it was imposible to keep some good balance in her life so she gave the program a go as she was told that it was fun and really effective. She was working for eight weeks with the rest of the amazing women that participated towards a health journey where they didn´t learn just how to lose weight but a new mindset about a more healthy approach of diet and exercise. Liza found a lot of support in the group and she mentioned that she was a better version of herself when she finished and she would love to join us again in a future programs. If you want to know how we cn help you to solve your weight loss problem just… Get your FREE 30 min Live Transformational Session here: