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my happy clients

Before and After Pictures Weight Loss Programs

Real People = Real Results

The LeanBody Team Happy Clients




Maria joined The Lean Body Team because she was putting on weight due to menopause, and she didn’t know how to manage it. She was quite worried about the future if she didn’t do anything to stop that fast weight gain. We planned and strategy that not just made her lose weight, but she has learned so much about her body that she is quite confident that she will maintain it too.
We are here to help you solve a weight loss problem that might be causing you low confidence and feeling depressed but the good new is like Maria… with the right help you can be the best You in no time.💖
Get your FREE 30 min Live Transformational Session here:
Natalia joined The Lean Body Team because she wanted to lose weight and get fit. She tried many diets in the past, but she was never able to keep the weight off.
She mentioned to us that she wanted a program that would allow her to sustain the results in the long run.
We worked together on finding the right program for her that worked well with her demanding work schedule and personal life.
Apart from getting fit and losing weight, Natalia has made the right changes, and she feels more confident in herself.
Are you ready to make the right changes that allow you to live a healther and happier life?
Book a FREE 30 min Live strategy call with us today and lets make a plan that solve that poblem that is making you stuck

Liza joined one of The Lean Body Team challeges recommended by a friend. Liza wanted to lose a bit of weight but she really wanted to learn how to manage better her life-work commitments with a healthy lifestyle. She was feeling like it was imposible to keep some good balance in her life so she gave the program a go as she was told that it was fun and really effective. She was working for eight weeks with the rest of the amazing women that participated towards a health journey where they didn´t learn just how to lose weight but a new mindset about a more healthy approach of diet and exercise. Liza found a lot of support in the group and she mentioned that she was a better version of herself when she finished and she would love to join us again in a future programs. If you want to know how we cn help you to solve your weight loss problem just… Get your FREE 30 min Live Transformational Session here: https://calendly.com/theleanbodyteam/30min





Natalee Sayed


𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐞’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬

Natalee joined  The LeanBody Team because she needed to change her lifestyle, she had a really bad relationship with food, was always rewarding herself with food which lead to constant yo yo dieting.

Before starting the LeanBody program Natalee was feeling really self conscious, didn’t feel comfortable in any of her clothes, was lacking in confidence and just didn’t feel like her usual bubbly self.


These areNatalee´s Before and After Pictures of her Weight Loss

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮 

“I have learnt so much about macros/nutrition/fuelling my body right/vitamins/water etc… I could go on, all of this I won’t forget & it’ll help me to stay on track in the future”

“I feel like I can achieve anything. I realised how much willpower I have when I set my mind to something. My confidence is almost completely back & I’m a better person to be around because of it.”

“I loved the workouts! It gave me the confidence to start back at the gym and I loved that I wasn’t wandering around wasting time, the planned training days workouts gave me goals and purpose.”

Are you ready to achieve amazing results like Natalee? Secure your space by booking your free session clicking the buttom below.

Click the Button Below to Start your Transformation



Before and After Weight Loss pictures
Sarah Crowther
Sarah Crowther
HR Administrator
Read More
When I started with The Lean Body Team I was lacking a lot of confidence and I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. The first couple of weeks were the hardest for me but in the end, I loved it, I highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling to lose weight. If you're considering starting the LeanBody programs I would say throw yourself into it
Amber Smith
Amber Smith
Managing Director
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When I joined The LeanBody Team I wasn't sure if I would stick to it. The programme was something for me to focus on despite facing some personal issues. Now I feel great I have a much healthier relationship with food and exercise. I never knew that weight training would be so enjoyable I was surprised about the amount of support I've got. I enjoyed it very much!
Penny Lacey
Penny Lacey
House Manager
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The LeanBody services are excellent! It helped me to lose weight and have a good relationship with food again. They gave me advice on how to be focused on the most important aspects of my life. I´ve got also great knowledge so I can sustainably keep my results. when I only wish that I had started coaching sooner!
Sylvia Lovett
Sylvia Lovett
Store Manager
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‘Honestly I can say its the best thing I've ever done. I've always been a yo yo dieter & an emotional eater always ordering take always and I got stuck in a rut we're I thought nothing is ever going to work for me, ill just be this weight for ever’ ‘The biggest result is I'm so much more happier than I was & I’ve learned to love myself again’
Sabina Montoya
Sabina Montoya
Shop assistant
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I decided to join the Lean Body team as I had fallen back into bad habits and I hated myself. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror or get changed in front of my husband so I knew something had to change.’ ‘I have managed to lose 67cms on my body which I was over the moon with, one being getting back into my size 14 jeans which hasn’t happened since having my baby!’
Laura Williams
Laura Williams
Customer Services
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Before I joined the LeanBody team I definitely had gave up on myself I lacked confidence hated myself in clothes I lived in gym leggings , I couldn’t stick to a diet I would starve myself all week then binge on a weekend. I’ve learnt so much that I feel now that I can sosteing the weight I've lost forever. Thank you for helping me be me again.

Some of our amazing client´s

experiences with our services

Flip the cards to see what our happy clients say about our programs

Jan Smolík client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Jan Smolík

I can't believe the progress i have made. Both physically & mentally, I am sleeping better & no longer filled with anxiety or worry.
Carry Veijer client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Carry Veijer

I have so much more energy now after completing the LeanBody program and I have gained so much more confidence in myself. Finally I have begun to see the change in my body
Chelsea Allport client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Chelsea Allport

‘It is the best decision i have ever made. I am in such a great place at the moment and this is all thanks to your programme..i cant believe the progress i have made. Both physically & mentally, no longer filled with anxiety or constant worry.
Helena Järvilehto client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Helena Järvilehto

The programme has massively changed me not only physically but mentally too! It’s helped me break the all or nothing mentally and the bad habit of ditching the diet because I genuinely don’t feel like I’m on a diet
Nemes Zsuzsi client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Nemes Zsuzsi

I was recomended the LeanBody team and I thought what have I got to lose? Lose?! If anything all I’ve done is gain, gain, GAIN-happiness, confidence, health, knowledge, friendships and the list goes on.
Ljubica Martinović client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Ljubica Martinović

I signed up after having a baby and I really struggled to lose weight. I had no body confidence and I felt low in myself, NOW I feel like a new "ME"
Iman Maysam Said client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Iman Maysam Said

My main aim was to help how I view myself and better my lifestyle, the 11lb loss was just a phenomenal bonus. My skin has massively improved, my mood has stabilised I just feel like there is so much more of me to give now. My cup is almost full daily
Emma North lient Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Emma North

I can feel my fitness improving day by day, I’ve seen a specialist about my back who said a healthy active lifestyle will give me the beat chance of prolonging my backs life before I will need surgery.
Melissa Craig lient Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Melissa Craig

I struggled with consistency so I had a diet that included all of my favourite foods that made me sticking to something a lot easier, whilst also learning about flexible dieting so I could be flexibly on weekend etc
Ellie Simons client Weight loss The LeanBody Team

Ellie Simmons

I am beyond happy that I am back to my pre pregnancy weight and I am stronger than ever.
K Cooper
K Cooper
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Eva has been an essential part of my fitness journey. Working with Eva for over a year has helped me focus on fitness not only as a way to lose weight but to enjoy exercising again. The sessions with Eva really helped me change the way my mind viewed working out. In my sessions with Eva I lost roughly 10kg, and it helped me fit into my bridesmaids dress!! Eva always has lots of good tips and handy recipes as well, and provides good information about nutrition which is really essential to know. Having someone who is able to dedicate time and support to you on your journey is such an amazing tool to have. I would recommend Eva to anyone who needs help committing to a change in their fitness lifestyle, and to those who don't know they need that help yet!
Izabela Borowicz
Izabela Borowicz
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Amazing experience! Lovely person who was watching my diet and my program to loose weight. I am more happier and I feel beautiful. I am eating healthy meals and I am watching my weight. Highly recommend. As well very good for mental well-being. Lots of conversation about healthy life style. Very good for money too.
Rita Deenmamode
Rita Deenmamode
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I known Eva firstly as a personal trainer. She helped me through some tough times( physical and emotional). Lean Body helped & encauraged to look after myself better, given information and support. She always been professional, motivating, supportive and encouraging.
Rachel Grunbaum
Rachel Grunbaum
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Eva is an encouraging and knowledgeable person to work with. She invests a lot of thought into customising her plans and routines for clients, and I was clearly able to track my progress in terms of fitness, strength, and endurance, even in a short amount of time. Highly recommend working with her if you're looking to improve your overall wellbeing, get serious about your health and fitness, and get to know a super nice person as a bonus 🙂
Bally Sahota
Bally Sahota
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Superb experience from The Lean Body Team. Very concise customised program tailored to suit my personal needs around my day to day life. Combined nutrition assistance, advice & guidance to ensure maximum benefits which were easy to follow. Great support and really feeling the difference but also able to dedicate to my plans because they are interesting for me which keep me motivated and not boring or mundane. I highly recommend the team as they truly cared about my needs and provided me with what was going to work for me. They listen, adopt, understand and provide a concise collaborative approach. Very professional indeed. Thank you so much.
Violeta Sofia
Violeta Sofia
Read More
The best personal trainer! Positive, energetic and with a lot of knowledge. Eva made me understand my body by providing me with information about diets and most effective workout for the long lasting results I wanted. Thank you very much
maria martinez
maria martinez
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I tried the LeanBody Team programs because I was struggling trying to lose weight. I love the fact that it is a healthy program focused on real food, so this really taught me to eat properly . I like that it is a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix. I also love that it connects me with other women who are struggling with their weight and they provide support to each other while we work sharing our experiences. This program has really helped me to change to do everything and put my health first. I've lost significant weight and have seen a big change in my health and body 😃.
Ravi Walters
Ravi Walters
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My name is Ravi Dagan-Walters, 70 years old. I worked with Eva for over a year(partly during lockdowns) as I wanted to get fitter, healthier and more confident. Strengthening muscles, flexibility and good nutrition are so important when one is getting older. Eva was super motivating, attentive and guided me through a programme tailored for my needs and temprament. Eva has a beautiful positive personality, good sense of humour and I always felt respected by her. Being able to laugh together made our work fun most of the time. Eva was able to help me overcome inner doubts at times, which I am very grateful for. I feel stronger, healthier and most importantly , confident and ready to meet some of the challenges of getting older. I highly reccomend her if you want to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing. Thank you Eva.
Beauty Brow Bar London LS
Beauty Brow Bar London LS
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I’ve known Eva for 2 years and she is a perfectionist and very professional when it comes to her work. I’ve been suffering 5 years to loose even just 2kg, but she explained me two very important things to do and in 2 weeks from then I was 4kg lighter. I can not say just a huge thanks for everything you’ve done. From the right diet, exercising and of course your kindness all the time. It’s so nice to be back. I definitely recommend you to others♥️

Would you like to to have your own Before and After Pictures once your Weight Loss Program has finished?

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32 Before and After Weight Loss Pictures - Inspiring Weight Loss ...
Jan 20, 2018 ... Get inspired by real women who have lost major pounds. View weight loss before and after photos at WomansDay.com.

Why you can't lose weight? Imagine this hypothetical scenario. You've just started dieting, but after two

we are a team

The are many women who have the same problems and the challenges that you go through…

This is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle change that will produce long lasting dramatic results to your body.

There is nothing better than investing in yourself, to get  a  professional bespoke program for real changes that really work

We can Help you TO FEEL and look the way that you should look and feel!

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This Free-Trial of 14 days Subscription Agreement (this “Agreement”) contains terms and conditions that govern your acquisition of subscriptions to, and use of, the Free-Trial Services (as defined below), and is a contract between a The LeanBody Team and you or the entity or organization that you represent.

If you are an individual using the Free-Trial Services for your own purposes: (1) all references to “Customer” are to you and (2) you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, or have otherwise reached the age of “majority” where you reside and that you have the right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement.

If you are using the Free-Trial Services on behalf of an entity or organization that you represent: (1) all references to “Customer” are to that entity or organization and (2) you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, or have otherwise reached the age of “majority” where you reside and that you have the right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Customer.

This Agreement becomes binding and effective on the Customer upon the earliest of: (1) when you access or use the Free-Trial Services, (2) when you click on “I Accept,” “Sign up” or a similar button or check box referencing this Agreement, or (3) when you enter into a Free-Trial Order (as defined below) with Datadog.

Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement will have the respective meanings assigned to them in Section 24. Datadog may modify this Agreement from time to time, subject to the terms in Section 26 below.


Free-Trial Orders

This Agreement sets forth the terms pursuant to which Customer may access and use the Free-Trial Services in connection with one or more Free-Trial Orders. Subject to the terms of a Free-Trial Order, the Free-Trial Services will support the Customer’s collection, monitoring, management and analysis of data generated by systems, platforms, services, software, devices, sites and/or networks that Customer uses in its own internal business operations (collectively, but exclusive of all Free-Trial Services and Paid Services, “Customer’s Environment”).


Access and Use

Subject to the applicable Free-Trial Order and this Agreement, The LeanBody Team grants to Customer the right to access and use the Free-Trial Services in accordance with the Documentation during the Free-Trial Term for the Customer’s Environment.

As between the Parties, Customer controls Customer’s Environment and its individual components (each, a “Customer Component”), whether owned, leased or licensed by Customer, located on Customer’s premises or cloud-based, used by Customer on a software-as-a-service basis or otherwise.

Customers will be able to use the Free-Trial Services by establishing integrations or other connections to one or more Customer Components (each, a “Connection”). By implementing a Connection to a Customer Component, the Customer hereby grants to The LeanBody Team the right and is expressly instructing The LeanBody Team, to access and interoperate with that Customer Component during the Free-Trial Term in order to provide and support the Free-Trial Services.

The customer is responsible for complying with all applicable third-party terms, policies and licenses governing its access and use of Customer Components and associated data (collectively, “Third-Party Terms”).

Through the Customer’s configuration and use of Connections and Free-Trial Services, the Customer has control over the types and amounts of data from the Customer’s Environment that are submitted for Processing by the Services (collectively, “Customer Data”).

By submitting Customer Data to the Free-Trial Services, Customer hereby grants to The LeanBody Team the right and is expressly instructing The LeanBody Team, to Process Customer Data during the Free-Trial Term in order to provide and support the Free-Trial Services and as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

All rights granted by each Party to the other under this Section 2 are limited, nonexclusive and, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, non-transferable.


Subject to this Agreement, The LeanBody Team may, at its option, make Support to Authorized Users through the Services and by email.

Free-Trial Subscription

Datadog will make the Free-Trial Services available to the Customer until the earliest of (a) the end of the period specified in the applicable Free-Trial Order; (b) the start date of any Paid Order for the applicable Services; (c) termination by The LeanBody Team, at any time, in its sole discretion; or (d) termination by Customer pursuant to Section 26.

Additional terms and conditions, including Supplemental Terms, may apply to Free-Trial Services and the Customer agrees any such additional terms and conditions are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and are legally binding.

APIs and Tools

One or more APIs will be available to the Customer to assist with the Customer’s implementation of Connections, and Datadog makes client libraries available to facilitate the Customer’s coding against the API(s). In addition, Authorized Users may install a Datadog-produced software agent on certain Customer Components to support Customer’s collection of Customer Data.

The code for these libraries and agents (collectively, “Ancillary Tools”) are available in public repositories at https://github.com/datadog and are subject to the applicable open source licenses referenced in those repositories. The customer determines and controls what APIs and Ancillary Tools (if any) to use in connection with the Free-Trial Services.

By using an API or Ancillary Tool in connection with the Free-Trial Services, the Customer hereby agrees to do so in accordance with the Documentation and, in the case of the Ancillary Tool, with the applicable open source licenses (provided that if an applicable open source license for an Ancillary Tool contradicts rights or restrictions in the Documentation, the license will take precedence). The Ancillary Tools are not “Free-Trial Services” or “Support” for purposes of this Agreement.

Hosting and Other Providers

Datadog uses third-party hosting providers, other service providers and Datadog Affiliates to support the provision of the Free-Trial Services and Support in the ordinary course of its business, i.e., not specifically for Customers (collectively, “Ordinary Course Providers”).

Datadog reserves the right to engage and substitute Ordinary Course Providers as it deems appropriate, but shall: (a) remain responsible to Customer for the provision of the Free-Trial Services and Support and (b) be liable for the actions and omissions of its Ordinary Course Providers undertaken in connection with Datadog’s performance of this Agreement to the same extent Datadog would be liable if performing the Free-Trial Services or Support directly.

In no event shall providers of Customer Components be deemed Ordinary Course Providers for any purpose under this Agreement.

Security and Privacy

As discussed in the Documentation, including at https://docs.datadoghq.com/security/, each Party has obligations with respect to the security of the Free-Trial Services and Customer Data. Taking into account the nature and types of Customer Data, Datadog will employ administrative, physical and technical measures in accordance with applicable industry practice to protect the Free-Trial Services and prevent the accidental loss or unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure of Customer Data under its control during each Free-Trial Term.

Customer is responsible for properly configuring the Free-Trial Services in accordance with the Documentation, enabling single sign-on for Customer’s accounts, and securing access passwords, keys, tokens or other credentials used by Customer in connection with the Free-Trial Services (collectively, “Customer Credentials”).

Customer agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access or use of the Free-Trial Services and to promptly notify Datadog if Customer believes (a) any Customer Credentials have been lost, stolen or made available to an unauthorized third party or (b) an unauthorized third party has accessed the Free-Trial Services or Customer Data.

Except for limited Personal Information in Account Data, Datadog does not require Personal Information for Customer’s access and use of the Free-Trial Services. Customer shall limit Personal Information in Account Data to only that necessary for the creation and administration of its Datadog accounts.

With regard to Customer Data, the Customer shall not use the Free-Trial Services to Process any Sensitive Information and shall use reasonable efforts to restrict the inclusion of other Personal Information in Customer Data. The Documentation provides further information on both filtering Personal Information from and masking Personal Information in, data before they are submitted to the Free-Trial Services.

Datadog may Process information about Customer’s configuration and use of the Free-Trial Services (“Usage Data”), Customer Data and Account Data: (a) to manage Customer’s account; (b) to provide and improve the Free-Trial Services and Support, including to address requests for Support and troubleshoot other issues; and (c) to provide Customer and Authorized Users insights, service and feature announcements and other reporting. Datadog may also Process Usage Data that has been aggregated and/or anonymized (including, for clarity, that does not allow a third party to identify Customer as the source of the information): (i) to develop new services and features and (ii) to promote Datadog’s services, including, for example, through analyses of patterns and trends. Datadog’s Processing of Usage Data, Customer Data and Account Data shall at all times be subject to Datadog’s obligations under this Agreement, including those of security under Section 7.1 and confidentiality under Section 11; any applicable Supplemental Terms; and, with respect to Account Data, the Privacy Policy.

Customer Responsibilities and Restrictions

Customer will be solely responsible for: (a) Customer’s Environment, including as necessary to enable Authorized Users’ access and use of the Free-Trial Services; (b) Account Data, Customer Data and Customer Credentials (including activities conducted with Customer Credentials), subject to Datadog’s Processing obligations under this Agreement; (c) providing any required notices to, and receiving any required consents and authorizations from, Customer Component providers, Authorized Users and persons whose Personal Information may be included in Account Data, Customer Data or Customer Credentials; and (d) ensuring use of the Free-Trial Services is only for Customer’s Environment and in accordance with the AUP, Documentation and applicable Third-Party Terms.

No provision of this Agreement includes the right to, and Customer shall not, directly or indirectly: (a) enable any person or entity other than Authorized Users to access and use the Free-Trial Services; (b) attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Free-Trial Service or its related systems or networks; (c) use any Free-Trial Service to access Datadog Intellectual Property Rights except as permitted under this Agreement; (d) modify, copy or create any derivative work based upon a Free-Trial Service or any portion, feature or function of a Free-Trial Service; (e) resell, distribute or otherwise make available any Free-Trial Service to any third party, including as part of a managed services offering; (f) except to the extent limited by Applicable Law, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile all or any portion of, or attempt to discover or recreate the source code for, the Free-Trial Services or access or use the Free-Trial Services or Documentation in order to (1) copy ideas, features, functions or graphics, (2) develop competing products or services, or (3) perform competitive analyses; (g) remove, obscure or alter any proprietary notice related to the Free-Trial Services; (h) send or store Malicious Code; (i) use or permit others to use the Free-Trial Services in violation of Applicable Law; or (j) use or permit others to use the Free-Trial Services other than as described in the applicable Free-Trial Order, Documentation and this Agreement.

Datadog reserves the right to investigate potential violations of the above provisions of this Section 8. In the event Datadog reasonably believes a violation has occurred, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, Datadog will have the right to suspend Authorized Users suspected of the violation from accessing the Free-Trial Services for so long as is reasonably necessary to address the potential violation. For clarity, Datadog reserves the right, but does not assume any obligation to Customer, to take any of the actions described in this Section 8.3.

Compliance with Applicable Laws

Customer agrees to comply with all Applicable Laws with respect to its performance of its obligations and exercise of its rights under this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing:
Customer shall comply with Applicable Laws concerning the privacy and protection of Personal Information. Without limiting Section 8.1, Customer will be solely responsible for providing any notices required by Applicable Law to, and receiving any consents and authorizations required by Applicable Law from, persons whose Personal Information may be included in Account Data, Customer Data or Customer Credentials.

Customer shall comply with Applicable Laws concerning anti-bribery and anti-corruption, which may include the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and the UK Bribery Act 2010. As of the date of this Agreement and the date of each Free-Trial Order, Customer represents that it has neither received nor been offered any illegal or improper bribe, kickback, payment, gift or thing of value from any employee, agent or representative of Datadog or its Affiliates in connection with this Agreement. Customer agrees to promptly notify Datadog if it learns of any violation of the foregoing. This representation is not intended to include customary and reasonable gifts and entertainment provided in the ordinary course of business, to the extent such gifts and entertainment are permitted by Applicable Law.

Customer shall (a) comply with Applicable Laws administered by the U.S. Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control or other governmental entity imposing export controls and trade sanctions (“Export Laws”), including designating countries, entities and persons (“Sanctions Targets”) and (b) not directly or indirectly export, re-export or otherwise deliver Free-Trial Services to a Sanctions Target, or broker, finance or otherwise facilitate any transaction in violation of any Export Laws. Customer represents that it is not a Sanctions Target or prohibited from receiving Free-Trial Services pursuant to this Agreement under Applicable Laws, including Export Laws.


As between the Parties: (a) Customer owns all right, title and interest in and to Customer’s Environment and Customer Data, including in each case all associated Intellectual Property Rights, and (b) Datadog owns all right, title and interest in and to the Paid Services, Free-Trial Services, Documentation and Feedback, including in each case all associated Intellectual Property Rights. Except for the rights expressly granted by one Party to the other in this Agreement, all rights are reserved by the granting Party.


As used in this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information disclosed by one Party, its Affiliates, business partners or their respective employees, agents or contractors (collectively, the “Discloser”) that is designated as confidential, either orally or in writing, or that, given the nature of the information or circumstances surrounding its disclosure, reasonably should be understood to be confidential. Confidential Information includes without limitation: (a) Customer Data; (b) information relating to the Discloser’s or its Affiliates’ technology, customers, business plans, promotional and marketing activities, finances and other business affairs; (c) third-party information that the Discloser is obligated to keep confidential; and (d) the terms of this Agreement and all Free-Trial and Paid Orders. However, Confidential Information does not include any information that: (i) was known to the Party that receives any Confidential Information (the “Recipient”) prior to receiving the same from the Discloser in connection with this Agreement; (ii) is independently developed by the Recipient without reference to or use of the Discloser’s Confidential Information; (iii) is acquired by the Recipient from another source without restriction as to use or disclosure; or (iv) is or becomes publicly available through no fault or action of the Recipient.

The Recipient shall not (a) use the Discloser’s Confidential Information for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement without the Discloser’s prior written consent or (b) disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to any person or entity, except to the Recipient’s employees, agents, contractors and service providers who (i) are bound by non-use and non-disclosure obligations at least as protective as those contained in this Agreement and (ii) have a need to know the Confidential Information for the Recipient to exercise its rights or perform its obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Recipient may disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to the limited extent any use or disclosure is required by Applicable Law or a valid and binding order of a governmental body (such as a subpoena or court order), provided that, to the extent permitted under Applicable Law, the Recipient uses reasonable efforts to give the Discloser reasonable advance notice thereof to afford the Discloser an opportunity to intervene and seek an order or other appropriate relief for the protection of its Confidential Information. In the event of any breach or threatened breach by the Recipient of its obligations under this Section, the Discloser will be entitled to seek injunctive and other equitable relief to enforce such obligations.



Term and Termination

The term of this Agreement will continue through the last Free-Trial Term to be in effect.
Upon expiration or earlier termination of a Free-Trial Order: (a) subject to Section 13.3, all rights granted to Customer with respect to Free-Trial Services under such Free-Trial Order will terminate effective as of the effective date of termination and (b) subject to Section 13.3, Datadog will have no obligation to provide Free-Trial Services to Customer or Authorized Users after the effective date of the termination.

Subject to any applicable shorter Service Plan retention periods, for up to 30 days from the effective date of termination of this Agreement, an Authorized User designated by Customer will be permitted to continue to access and download Customer Data that was accessible to Authorized Users through the Free-Trial Services immediately prior to termination. The designated Authorized User’s access and use will continue to be subject to the terms of this Agreement, provided the Authorized User shall not access or use the Free-Trial Services other than to download Customer Data.
The provisions set forth in the following Sections, and any other right or obligation of the Parties in this Agreement that, by its nature, should survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement: 7.4, 8.2, 9 through 15, and 17 through 26.


Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Datadog, its Affiliates and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including without limitation attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to any legal claim, suit, action or proceeding by a third party arising out of or relating to any of the following (collectively, “Customer-Controlled Matters”): (i) Customer’s Environment, including Connections to Customer Components, whether enabled through APIs, Ancillary Tools or otherwise; (ii) Account Data, Customer Data or Customer Credentials (including activities conducted with Customer Credentials), subject to Datadog’s Processing obligations under this Agreement; or (iii) use of the Free-Trial Services by Customer or an Authorized User in a manner that breaches a Free-Trial Order, Service Plan or this Agreement.

Limitations of Liability



Neither Party shall, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law or stock exchange requirements, issue or release any announcement, statement, press release or other publicity or marketing materials relating to this Agreement or otherwise use the other Party’s marks or logos without the prior written consent of the other Party; provided, however, that Datadog may (subject its obligations of non-attribution under Section 7.4) include Customer’s name and logo in its lists of Datadog customers, its public website and other promotional material. Datadog agrees to promptly cease such uses of Customer’s name and logo following Customer’s request sent to lo***@da*******.com.


Subject to change pursuant to this Section: (a) Datadog’s physical address for notices is that of its New York, New York, USA headquarters provided at https://www.datadoghq.com/about/contact/, Attn: Legal Notice, and its email address for notices is le***@da*******.com and (b) Customer’s physical and email addresses for notices are those associated with its Order(s). Notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently given: (i) one business day after being sent by overnight courier to the Party’s physical address; (ii) three business days after being sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the Party’s physical address; or (iii) one business day after being sent by email to the Party’s email address. Either Party may change its address(es) for notice by providing notice to the other in accordance with this Section.


Customer may not assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without Datadog’s prior written consent, and any purported assignment in violation of this Section is void. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

U.K. Government Customers

The Free-Trial Services and Documentation are provided to the U.S. Government as “commercial items,” “commercial computer software,” “commercial computer software documentation,” and “technical data” with the same rights and restrictions generally applicable to the Free-Trial Services and Documentation. If Customer or any Authorized User is using Free-Trial Services and Documentation on behalf of the U.S. Government and these terms fail to meet the U.S. Government’s needs or are inconsistent in any respect with federal law, Customer and Customer’s Authorized Users must immediately discontinue use of the Free-Trial Services and Documentation. The terms listed above are defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.

Independent Parties; No Third-Party Beneficiaries

The Parties expressly understand and agree that their relationship is that of independent contractors. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute one Party as an employee, agent, joint venture partner or servant of another. This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns and nothing herein, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer on any other person any legal or equitable right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement.

Force Majeure

Datadog shall not be liable or responsible to the Customer, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this Agreement, when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by acts of God; flood, fire or explosion; war, terrorism, invasion, riot or other civil unrest; embargoes or blockades in effect on or after the date of this Agreement; or national or regional emergency.

Governing Law; Venue

Except to the extent the issue arising under this Agreement is governed by United States federal law, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to the choice of law rules of that State. Any legal action or proceeding arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located in New York County, New York, USA, and the Parties expressly consent to personal jurisdiction and venue in those courts. The Parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are specifically excluded from application to this Agreement.


This Agreement, together with all Free-Trial Orders, the AUP and, as and if applicable, Supplemental Terms and any other additional terms and conditions as referenced in Section 3, is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Parties and supersedes all proposals, questionnaires and other communications and agreements between the Parties (oral or written) relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Any terms and conditions of any other instrument issued by Customer in connection with this Agreement which are in addition to, inconsistent with or different from the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be of no force or effect. Additionally, this Agreement supersedes any confidentiality, non-disclosure, evaluation or trial agreement previously entered into by the Parties with respect Customer’s or an Affiliate’s evaluation of the Free-Trial Services or otherwise with respect to the Free-Trial Services. Except as otherwise provided in Section 26, this Agreement may be modified only by a written instrument duly executed by authorized representatives of the Parties. The failure of a Party to exercise or enforce any condition, term or provision of this Agreement will not operate as a waiver of such condition, term or provision. Any waiver by either Party of any condition, term or provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any other condition, term or provision. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. The headings in this Agreement are for reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the words “include,” “includes” and “including” are deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation”; the word “or” is not exclusive; and the words “herein,” “hereof,” “hereby,” “hereto” and “hereunder” refer to this Agreement as a whole.


Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in this Section 24.

“Account Data” means information about Customer that Customer provides to Datadog in connection with the creation or administration of its Datadog account, such as first and last name, user name and email address of an Authorized User or Customer’s billing contact. Customer shall ensure that all Account Data is current and accurate at all times during the applicable Free-Trial Term, and shall in no event include Sensitive Information in Account Data.

“Affiliate” means, with respect to a Party, a business entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with, such Party, where “control” means the direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of the voting securities of a business entity.
“API” means an application programming interface referenced in the Documentation that Datadog maintains and makes available to Customer in connection with the Free-Trial Services.

“Applicable Laws” means any and all governmental laws, rules, directives, regulations or orders that are applicable to a particular Party’s performance under this Agreement.

“AUP” means Datadog’s standard Acceptable Use Policy, currently available at https://www.datadoghq.com/legal/acceptable-use/.

“Authorized User” means an individual employee, agent or contractor of Customer for whom subscriptions to Free-Trial Services have been acquired pursuant to the terms of the applicable Free-Trial Order and this Agreement, and who has been supplied user credentials for the Free-Trial Services by Customer (or by Datadog at Customer’s request).

“Documentation” means Datadog’s standard user documentation for the Services, currently available at https://docs.datadoghq.com/, together with any applicable supplemental documentation for Free-Trial Services.

“Feedback” means bug reports, suggestions or other feedback with respect to the Free-Trial Services, Paid Services or Documentation provided by Customer to Datadog, exclusive of any Customer Confidential Information therein.

“Free-Trial Order” means an order for Free-Trial Services pursuant to this Agreement completed and submitted by Customer online at the Datadog site and accepted by Datadog, including any Customer registration for Free-Trial Services, or executed by Datadog and Customer.

“Free-Trial Services” means (a) any Services made available by Datadog to Customer free of charge under a Free-Trial Order and (b) any alpha, beta or other pre-commercial releases of a Datadog product or service (or feature of functionality of a product or service) made available by Datadog to Customer free of charge under a Free-Trial Order.

“Free-Trial Term” means, with respect to each Free-Trial Order, the period from the effective date of the Free-Trial Order through termination pursuant to Section 3.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all registered and unregistered rights granted, applied for, or otherwise now or hereafter in existence under or related to any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, database protection, or other intellectual property rights laws, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection, in any part of the world.

“Malicious Code” means viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses and other harmful or malicious code, files, scripts, agents or programs.

“Paid Order” means an order for Services submitted by Customer online at the Datadog site and accepted by Datadog, or executed by Datadog and Customer, under which Customer commits to pay for the Services. If Customer enters into a Paid Order, Customer’s access and use of the applicable Services will be subject to the Master Subscription Agreement at https://www.datadoghq.com/legal/msa/ , unless Datadog and Customer have separately executed a written agreement for the applicable Services, in which case that agreement will govern.

Paid Services” means the Services to which Customer subscribes through, or otherwise uses following, a Paid Order.

“Party” means each of Datadog and Customer.

“Personal Information” means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is protected by Applicable Laws with respect to privacy where the individual resides.

“Pricing Page” means the publicly available web page(s) where Datadog publishes its list prices for Services, currently available at https://www.datadoghq.com/pricing/.

“Privacy Policy” means Datadog’s standard Privacy Policy, currently available at https://www.datadoghq.com/legal/privacy/.
“Process” means to perform an operation or set of operations on data, content or information, including to submit, transmit, post, transfer, disclose, collect, record, organize, structure, store, adapt or alter; “Processing” has a correlative meaning.

“Sensitive Information” means the following categories of Personal Information: (a) government-issued identification numbers, including Social Security numbers; (b) financial account data; (c) biometric, genetic, health or insurance data; (d) financial information; (e) data revealing race, ethnicity, political opinions, religion, philosophical beliefs or trade union membership; (f) data concerning sex life or sexual orientation; and (g) data relating criminal convictions and offenses. Without limiting the foregoing, the term “Sensitive Information” includes Personal Information that is subject to specific or heightened requirements under Applicable Law or industry standards, such as Social Security numbers in the United States, protected health information under the U.S. 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, nonpublic personal information under the U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, cardholder data under the PCI Data Security Standard, and special categories of personal data under the GDPR.

“Service Plan” means the packaged plan and associated features, as detailed at the Pricing Page, for the Services.

“Services” means the hosted services that are made available by Datadog online via the applicable login page (currently https://app.datadoghq.com/) and other web pages designated by Datadog. Datadog may make such changes to the Services as Datadog deems appropriate from time to time.

“Supplemental Terms” means additional terms that apply to certain Customer Data, Services, Service Plans and/or customers, including any applicable Service-Specific Terms, currently available at https://www.datadoghq.com/legal/service-terms/.
“Support” means Datadog’s standard customer support for the Services, currently described at https://www.datadoghq.com/support/.


Any written Free-Trial Order may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a Free-Trial Order by fax or by email of a scanned copy, or execution and delivery through an electronic signature service (such as DocuSign), shall be effective as delivery of an original executed counterpart of the relevant Free-Trial Order.

Changes to this Agreement

Datadog may modify this Agreement at any time by posting a revised version at https://www.datadoghq.com/legal/free-trial-agreement/, which modifications will become effective as of the first day of the calendar month following the month in which they were first posted. If Customer objects to the updated Agreement, as its sole and exclusive remedy, Customer may choose to stop using the Free-Trial Services and terminate all Free-Trial Orders and this Agreement upon written notice to Datadog. For the avoidance of doubt, any Free-Trial Order is subject to the version of the Agreement in effect at the time of the Free-Trial Order.

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Privacy Policy for The LeanBody Team 

This Privacy Policy is prepared by The LeanBody Team and whose registered address is 12a Wingrave Road, W69HF London, United Kingdom. (“We”) are committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of our visitors when visiting our site or communicating electronically with us.

This policy sets out how we process any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us through our website and social media sites. We confirm that we will keep your information secure and that we will comply fully with all applicable U.K Data Protection legislation and regulations. Please read the following carefully to understand what happens to personal data that you choose to provide to us, or that we collect from you when you visit our sites. By submitting information you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy.

Types of information we may collect from you 

We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information about individuals who visit and use our website and social media sites:

Information you supply to us. You may supply us with information about you by filling in forms on our website or social media. This includes information you provide when you submit a contact/enquiry form. The information you give us may include but is not limited to, your name, address, e-mail address and phone number.

How we may use the information we collect

We use the information in the following ways:

Information you supply to us. We will use this information:

  • to provide you with information and/or services that you request from us;
  • To contact you to provide the information requested.


Disclosure of your information

Any information you provide to us will either be emailed directly to us or may be stored on a secure server.

We do not rent, sell or share personal information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies.

We will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to regional/national institutions and authorities unless required by law or other regulations.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.

Your rights – access to your personal data 

You have the right to ensure that your personal data is being processed lawfully (“Subject Access Right”). Your subject access right can be exercised in accordance with data protection laws and regulations. Any subject access request must be made in writing to in**@th*************.com. We will provide your personal data to you within the statutory time frames. To enable us to trace any of your personal data that we may be holding, we may need to request further information from you. If you have a complaint about how we have used your information, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Changes to our privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to The LeanBody Team at in**@th*************.com.